Cancelling apartment
You can cancel your apartment with the form below. We will send a confirmation message when we have received your cancellation form. The term of notice is always one month and is counted from the last day of the month of resignation.
The rental guarantee will be refunded within 2-3 weeks from the end of the tenancy provided you have returned the key, cleaned up, emptied the apartment according to the cleaning instructions and taken care of the possible left over payments. You can look up the cleaning instructions here.
The rental guarantee will be refunded within 2-3 weeks from the end of the tenancy provided you have returned the key, cleaned up, emptied the apartment according to the cleaning instructions and taken care of the possible left over payments. You can look up the cleaning instructions here.
On the right is the cancellation form which you have to fill in and return either by e-mail or to the caretakers mailbox.